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This page is dedicated to our teaching series on "Gracious Space". Here you will find companion study guides that will deepen the learning around each of the sermons. These guides can be followed individually but are best done in a small group. Also, within the guides, we have provided links to additional resources. Below is where you can also access those additional resources.

NOTE: A black & white version of the guides are also available. They are definitely not as cool, but they are easier on the printer budget and nice to write notes on.







Here is an explanation of our intent and motivation for the "Gracious Space" teaching series.

We seem to be living in a time of incredible diversity and polarization. Also, the Church no longer commands attention or respect as it once did. In fact, it was the commanding that "sewered" our reputation and influence. Gracious Space is all about rethinking our priorities in a culture that is constantly shifting back and forth from various extremes.


This culture-shift tension is being felt in the CBWC (our association of churches) who is at a crossroads. This June 2023, the CBWC will vote on motions that could potentially drive division in our churches and church membership over positions on same-sex relationships. This sermon series was KCC's first step in addressing the tension and helping us to convey what we think really matters. Our second step was to present motions at Assembly 2023 that would foster gracious space to allow for unity within diversity.


If you have any questions about the votes and results that occurred at the CBWC Assembly 2022 & 2023, or the Gracious Space sermon series, please reach out to me, Pastor David.


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